Fourteen Tips To Ace English Speaking Skills You Must Follow

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To speak English fluently you need to have some English vocabulary listing in your brain. The more vocabulary you know, the more you can speak English easily. But: how to improve English vocabulary effectively?

Many English learners memorize word lists in order to learn English vocabulary. They do add some new words to their vocabulary! But at a certain level, they start to struggle. They proclaim that they can’t use the new words they just learned.

After failing, English students understand that memorizing English vocabulary is not beneficial. Yes, you know a lot of English words. But what’s the point if you can’t use a single one?

At this point, English learners start to look for another way to learn English vocabulary. They ask: How to improve English vocabulary faster? How can I use the new words easily?

However, learning English requires smart and effective ways rather than long and time-consuming methods. If you know the proper way to learn English and its use, your success at speaking it fluently is guaranteed.


How to improve English vocabulary?


There is not only way to improve English vocabulary. Each student should use the method that suits better and he feels comfortable with. It depends on each one’s everyday life. But there are some points proved to be powerful and effective to learn and improve English vocabulary:

Read as much as you can 


If there is no input, you won’t improve English vocabulary. If there is only one thing you should do to improve English vocabulary, it would be reading and listening. Whether you read newspapers, books or magazines, it will help you to build rich vocabulary.

Learn more about how to improve English vocabulary with books.

Have an English dictionary 


Whenever you don’t understand an English word, use the dictionary to define it. Whether you have a physical dictionary or an electronic one, it can help you to improve English vocabulary. A hard dictionary is better in a way that it provides a tangible sense, scanning for one word provides an opportunity to catch two more. On the other hand, a soft or electronic dictionary enables you with suitable portability and mobility simply provides ease of use.

Try to figure out the new words spontaneously to form the context. If you can’t, it is not a problem to use an electronic dictionary. Don’t forget to focus on the whole phrase, not on the individual words!

Practice using the new words


If you learn a new word but you didn’t use it, your brain will kick it out quickly. Try to be accustomed of using new English vocabulary words you just learned and remember: Use it or lose it!

Put new English vocabulary words in meaningful sentences and use them with your friends. Speak English with your family members and use the new words you just learned and help others to do the same.

Learn English with friends


If you have some friends to learn English with, tell them how to improve English vocabulary effectively. Tell your friends that you should practice saying the new words to keep them in your brain forever!

If you already have some friends who are learning English, that’s great! However, you don’t already have, you can make some new ones. Convince your friends to learn English. Even one of your family members can be your friend.

If you still can’t find friends to practice English with, there are many online communities where you can practice English. Use Facebook groups, pages, and WhatsApp groups, etc. (there are many) as an alternate.


Make it funny and adoptable


If you are learning English in a boring way and asking how to improve English vocabulary, I advise you to change the way you learn English.

Tell English jokes, listen to your friends’ jokes. Laugh whenever it’s possible and play English games. Learn English and have fun simultaneously. Don’t think you are learning English when you learn English!

Set a notebook for English vocabulary


If you are serious about how to improve your English vocabulary, I propose you make a notebook where you write all the new vocabulary you find.

Your notebook can be a paper version or software on your PC. It can also be a smartphone application. It is very important to save expressions you love or quotes that you find interesting and helpful.


Learn sentences not individual words


When I told you to write a new vocabulary in your notebook, I didn’t mean to write words but phrases instead! Whenever you find a new word, write down the whole sentence in your notebook.

When you learn the whole sentence, you don’t only learn the new word. You also learn how to use the word in the right context. When you speak, it’s easy to say the whole sentence instead of thinking about every single word.

Determine words meanings from their context


What is the dictionary used for, if I can understand the meaning of words from their contexts? I told you to use the dictionary but only if you can’t understand the meaning from the context.

Obviously, if you can understand the new word from the context, you don’t need to use the dictionary. In fact, it is better to understand the new word without using an English dictionary. But it is not always possible to determine words' meanings from their contexts.

Learn the most important words first


If you understood how to improve English vocabulary faster using the previous tips, consider focusing on the most important words at the beginning. It would not be wise to learn sophisticated English words without knowing the Basic English vocabulary words.

Don’t write difficult vocabulary in your notebook at the beginning. You should agree that at this point you are a beginner. You can add more difficult English vocabulary words as long as you improve. When you will be an advanced student, you can add the most difficult words to your notebook.

Bonus tips on how to improve English vocabulary


Did you try all the tips listed above? Are you still want to know how to improve English vocabulary? No problem, I just wrote some additional tips especially for you!

Sign up for the word of the day using online dictionaries


Did you know that many online dictionaries can help you to improve your English vocabulary? All you have to do is to sign up for their newsletter. They will send you a new word each day.

Try it and you will learn about 365 new English words every year. It is simple and everyone can do it.

A new word every day won’t be difficult. It is not a heavy thing to carry!

Play vocabulary games and word puzzles


If you like to play games, why don’t you try to play some educational games? You may ask: How to improve English vocabulary through games?

Yes, games in most cases are a waste of time. Educational games are anything else. There are many educational games online to help you learn English vocabulary in a funny and easy way.

Use mobile Applications


Do you have a smartphone? In the last few years, smartphone applications have become very popular. There are thousands of applications to help you to learn English.

You can use them to learn a lot of new words. You can also learn how to pronounce them. Mobile applications are an effective way to improve English vocabulary!

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